Saturday, March 28, 2020

Joyce Potter Patterson

Joyce I Potter was born in 1922 to Minor Potter 
(1894-1961) and Edith Evans (1897-1988). 
She was treasurer of her freshman class. Her 
appearance was good natured. She had a 
weakness for redheads. Her favorite song 
was "A Bicycle Built For Two." Her saying 
was "Forget it." She performed in a piano 
trio for the Wild Rose P.T.A. in 1934 with 
Gwendora Williams and Inez Inda. She was 
"Phyllis, a friend" of the main character in 
"Sound Your Horn" as a junior. The senior 
class play was "Intimate Enemy" which was 
a comedy where she was "Adoree, a carefree 
dancer" She was Queen of the 1938 Prom 
with her husband to be, Norman Patterson 
as King. She wore a peach taffeta dress with 
a wrist corsage of sweet peas and carnations. 
That was the first prom to be held in the gym 
at the high school. Before they were held at 
the Mercantile hall. The prom was held on the 
lawn of a southern plantation. She married 
Norman Patterson at the parsonage of the 
Presbyterian Church in January 1946. 
Norman, who was a career military guy, 
had just returned from 17 months in India. 
Before her marriage she had worked as 
register in probate for Judge Gad Jones. 
Norman died in 2000. Joyce died January 12, 
2015 and was buried at Fort Snelling 
cemetery in Minnesota.

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