Sunday, July 1, 2018

Wild Rose State Bank part of the Wild Rose WI Museum

This Bank is part of the Wild Rose Historical Society in Wisconsin.  When the bank built a new building, it became to Wild Rose Post Office.  Notice that the streets were not  paved at this time. The trim on the bank was red. Today the bank has a pharmacy like T W Stevens ran.  We have a small ice cream parlor like Chet Jenks had.  We have a display of many patents. There is a lot of variety from fishing lures to potato planters.  We have flip boards with pictures. The 1905 robbery display where the robbers were successful in the post office in Clark's store but were unsuccessful in the bank. There is a display of the Wild Rose Skating Show. It was an outside show that ran from the later 1940's to 1953.  The mothers made customs and we have some on display.  We have a display of Dr Kjentvet's medical tools.

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